These are some of my Julie's favorite...

  1. Personality: If I interviewed your closest friends or family and asked them to describe you, what would they tell me?
  2. Career journey: What was your decision-making process to join/leave your last 3 roles?
  3. Strengths: If I asked your past managers to tell me what you do exceptionally well compared to others, what would they say?
  4. Growth: imagine the you of today met the you of 3 years ago. What are the top three things you've learned that you'd want to teach the you of the past?
  5. Taste: When was the last time you experienced a product/design/technology that you felt was truly excellent? Why?
  6. Feedback: What was the best piece of feedback you've ever given to a colleague?
  7. Conflict management: Can you describe a time when you or your work was adversely affected by the behavior of a colleague? What did you do?
  8. Motivation: How would you stack rank the following in terms of what matters to the most to you right now in considering a role?



People and work environment

Nature of the work

Career trajectory

Something else

What other questions d